Top 10 Action Comedies of All Time (Aka: Why 2010 Was the Best Year for Fun Gun Movies!)

So, you're ready for a movie night, but you're looking for something a little more light hearted and not so serious. You're tired of comic book movies and aren't wanting to watch a chick flick. An action comedy is your solution. This is our top 10 list of Action Comedies with lots of gun play.

In our search for the best Action Comedy movies of all time we stumbled upon Something we weren’t expecting. We debated and debated, moved and adjusted, then finally decided we were ready to go. Once we had our list, we filled in the years. it was then that we realized that 5 of the top 10 Fun gun, Action comedies were in 2010. I guess that means 2010 WAS THE BEST YEAR OF ALL TIME FOR FUN GUN MOVIES!!

Can you identify them before we get started?

Movie Posters.jpg

Don’t Become a Bad Stat and Learn How to Handle a Firearm Safely.


If You Don't Know This Before Going to the Gun Range You'll Probably Get Kicked Out.